
This is a chance to get all those things that keep me awake at night out of my head and well, somewhere else. Stephen King did it and look at how well he did!

Friday, July 21, 2006

New Helmet!

I bought a helmet! It isn't the Nolan, but it fits really well and was mostly reasonably priced at just under 200 dollars. It is silver and is made by HJC - the CL MAX. It is the modular one and I am so pleased. I read online that one should wear it around the house for a few days, to get your neck strengthened. So I feel like an idiot but have been wearing it off and on since I got it. I can hardly wait for Sunday. Tomorrow should help. With the safety course being eight hours long, it will help make the time pass. I am arranging insurance, so it is covered on Sunday.


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