
This is a chance to get all those things that keep me awake at night out of my head and well, somewhere else. Stephen King did it and look at how well he did!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

motorcycles, and my very own mid-life crisis

Yes, I am looking at motorcycles. Mostly Virago's and Vulcans. The Virago I fell in love with in the eighties when my friends MB and Cindy lived in Santa Fe and they had a Virago- God that was a beautiful bike. I had a little Suzuki GS250T, and it was a great starter bike, but I have always dreamed of having a bigger, more usable for long trips, more ... well... powerful bike. The Vulcan I saw for the first time in San Francisco in the early nineties, and I liked how low slung it was for my admittedly shorter legs. Either of these is okay with me, so come Monday I quit smoking and start riding. Wooohooo. I need insurance, a new helmet, a lightweight jacket and not very much gas. I will save enough to almost pay the payment!

News on the knee.... still great, though yesterday I had a scare with the other one! But as for this one, I think a couple of weeks of PT should make it just right. Especially with the new bike under me.


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