
This is a chance to get all those things that keep me awake at night out of my head and well, somewhere else. Stephen King did it and look at how well he did!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Surgery, saddlebags and frogg toggs

Well, Vera's surgery is tomorrow. Needless to say, I am concerned. But I trust the doctor to do everything possible to get her through it. She will stay overnight and I hope the nurses will keep her medicated enough so that she can finally rest. She has been waking up a lot at night with pain.

My saddlebags arrived today, and with minor adjustments/modifications they look pretty darn good. David and I took a really nice ride for about an hour this afternoon. The roads he lead me down were just great and we jumped on the highway- just to make sure the saddlebags were not moving around or having problems at higher speeds. All is well and I will make the final mods either Saturday or Sunday. I will also cut the lawn again. It had gotten so long, between my surgeries, the kids' visit and Vera's fall, that it was not cuttable with the bagger attached. So when I go over it again, when the cut bits are drier (is that right?) it will be easier to pick them up.

I ordered Frogg Toggs. This is a company in Alabama I think, which sells rain gear and the product was well reviewed all over the net. I am looking forward to my next rainy day ride!


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