
This is a chance to get all those things that keep me awake at night out of my head and well, somewhere else. Stephen King did it and look at how well he did!

Monday, July 16, 2007

July 16, 07


It was official on Friday... Britt and I are officially girlfriends. I can only speak for myself, but I am very happy about this.

It has been a busy couple of weeks since I last posted. On the 3rd I got my car and since then, I have done a lot of driving. I think I am not saving on gas, simply because I love driving it so much. But I feel better about driving because I am getting almost 30 mpg.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Miata bound

Okay folks I found a Mazda Miata. It is a 1990, blue, fabulous car and I can't wait to pick it up! Hopefully, it will happen on Tuesday or Wednesday! Pictures will follow...

In other news, Britt and I spent the weekend at her sister Elizabeth's Bed and Breakfast in Bath. It was great fun and reaffirms just how easy it is for us to be together. What I really like so far is that we are both so laid back. Neither is pushing one way or another (though I would really like to call us GF's, but she has this timeline thing happening... which is probably a good thing! It is just difficult to come up with a word for what we are...

More later.

Here is a photo of the car!