Well, it is 7 months later than my last post and tons has happened. I went with my two sisters to my Grandma's funeral in Oklahoma (where she was buried), and on the way back to my older sister's house we were in a car accident. We all ended up being okay, including the woman who pulled out in front of us on a busy highway. But I just finished the last of the chiropractic treatments for the damages. The accident really threw me for a loop. In mid-May, I decided to come out of my shell. Maybe the closeness of death kicked my ass, but I got really lonely and sad and hibernated for 6 months.
However, I am now out of my shell and going out with a really nice woman. I really didn't know how much I missed just being an out and about lesbian. We met after the dyke march and then saw each other after the parade and pretty much have been together every possible minute we aren't working or doing other stuff. The sex is great, the silences not awkward, the enjoyment genuine, the playfulness fun, and the similarities in our likes and dislikes, striking. I am really happy, like I haven't been for years. And I am amazed with the ease of us being together. It totally feels like I discovered my best friend. Since Pride week, we have had coffee (date 1); met up at the park for the festival, (date 2), attended the Maine Gay Men's Chorus (date 3); had dinner out (date 4); gone to a club and played pool (date 5); watched a movie (date 6); had dinner in Portsmouth with the Portland Lesbian Coffee House gang (date 7); gone on a romantic weekend getaway to P-town (date 8); gone to Ogunguit to see Jessi Mallory(date 9); and, attended a comedy show (date 10). Granted dates 2 through 5 were all in the same day, but somehow they count as separate occasions.
It really has been a whirlwind, but it is all so incredibly comfortable and easy. No we have not rented a u-haul, nor are we discussing wedding plans. We are not even to the point of calling each other "my girlfriend." For as fast as it all has happened, we are both keeping our heads about us.
Okay, enough about that for now... more later.